Entries by David Baker

Your Menu for Healthy Eating on the Go

Even instant rice takes five minutes to cook. If possible, push aside the considerable absurdity of that fact and think of it instead as a commentary on the time it takes to cook for yourself. That temporal investment is one of the few cons of making your meals. But if healthy eating on the go […]

Busting 7 Popular Immunity Myths

Your immune system is always working to keep you healthy. Understanding how your body protects itself gives you ammunition to fight off germs. There are a lot of immune system myths out there about keeping yourself healthy. Do your research to separate the fact from fiction so you don’t fall for these immunity myths. Start […]

The Immune System: Your Body’s Guards

Your immune system is in a battle every day. That’s its job. You’re protected by a coordinated defense. Cells, proteins, and chemical signals join forces against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other pathogens. And your immune system also helps in wound healing, cellular and tissue turnover, and repair. A healthy, functional immune system is a complex […]

You Can Combine Tradition and Technology to Support Your Health—Here’s How

Every few months there are advances in smart phone technology. Every few weeks science seems to come up with new, exciting discoveries. Every few hours a new idea enthralls the internet. That makes it seem like the world is accelerating ever faster towards a sci-fi future. As advanced as every voice-activated, algorithm-driven gadget is, the […]

Seeking Scent Serenity: The Benefits and Science of Aromatherapy

Each aroma your nose encounters sends your brain scurrying into action. Good smells may prompt a mental escape to a familiar location or pleasant memory with the accompanying calming feelings. But bad odors could send you spinning on your heels for a different kind of retreat. These powerful reactions are the result of hard-won experiences […]

Eye-Opening Tips About How to Take Care of Your Senses

You’re often advised to “stop and smell the roses.” That’s because experiencing and appreciating your surroundings’ sensory inputs—rosy scents, burning sunsets, and soothing sounds—is peaceful and grounding. This mindful approach to life is enhanced by habits that help keep your senses sharp. In other words: learning how to take care of your senses helps your […]

Avoid the Trap of Common Weight Myths

A lot of the information you find on weight management carries the same scientific heft as the blank pages you’d waste printing it out. The Internet wasn’t where weight myths started, though—not by a long shot. But weight-related misconceptions flourish in the fertile ground of today’s online ecosystem. Physical and lifestyle realities make modern-day weight-management […]

You’re 6 Minutes Away from a Better Understanding of Cellular Nutrition

To understand cellular nutrition, you can take the better part of a decade to earn a PhD in microbiology or you can set aside about six minutes to read this story. Opting for the doctoral route means deeper knowledge, a nice degree to frame, and many fancy words to throw around. But reading on will […]

Gut Check: See What You Score on the Digestive Health Quiz

Your gut isn’t shy about letting you know when you’ve wronged it. The signs of strife can pop up anywhere along the digestive tract. Absent of obvious chaos, your level of digestive health may remain a bit of a mystery. If it’s working right, you might not notice. The nine-question digestive health quiz will paint […]